Looking to Start Your Own Podcast?

Get the Podcast Launch Training Bundle-Pack
Course #1. Pre-Launch Secrets of Podcasting Pros
Starting a podcast can be scary. But it doesn't have to be.
When I first started podcasting, I had no idea what I was doing. My shows lacked a clear direction, my audience was non-existent, and I almost gave up on the idea altogether.
I knew I had a good podcast in me, but I just couldn't flesh it out. I had the desire, but no idea where to start. I tried more than once to launch a successful podcast, but I crashed and I burned. I had no roadmap to follow and no clear sense of direction. And I wasn't alone.
A lot of podcasters start out with no clue as to what makes a good podcast. After all, it's kinda like the wild west of media. In a lot of ways, we're still blazing the trails. And it can be a scary path to walk. Especially if it's your first time out.
Maybe you can relate?
Don't Let That Stop You
It's ok to face these problems. It's even to be expected.
Like I said, podcasting is the wild west of media. And the guys who strike gold aren't always quick to share their maps with the rest of us. But don't let that stop you.
I know you have something important to say. So don't let uncertainty hold you back. If you do, the world will be robbed of your message, and you'll never have the impact you could've.
But if you can figure it out, if you can overcome this knowledge gap and start a successful podcast, imagine the good you could do. You could change the lives of so many people; maybe even change the course of history.
You Just Need Someone to Point You in the Right Direction

Let me be that someone.
My name's Nathan Fraser, and I've helped start and produce over a dozen hit podcasts. Many of my clients have gone on to build huge audiences. Some of them have turned their podcasts into lucrative businesses. A few have even gone on to be nationally-syndicated radio show hosts.
I've been producing podcasts for almost a decade. Throughout that time, I've discovered what works and what doesn't when it comes to creating a successful podcast. And now I'm sharing those lessons with you.
I took the 9 most powerful secrets I know for starting a hit podcast, and I've included them in this online video course. It's called Pre-Launch Secrets, and it will give you the competitive edge you need in the fast-growing sea of podcasts out there.
In this online video training, you'll discover:
- How to create the core concept of your podcast
- How to generate never-ending content
- How to build a massive audience
- The 3 biggest mistakes most newbies make (and how you can avoid them)
- How to pick your podcasting style
- How to know what your listeners want to hear
- How to ensure they keep coming back for more
And a whole lot more.
Sign up Today

I usually reserve this information for my high-paying clients. It's helped make them successful, and it can do the same for you.
Your Pre-Launch Secrets course consists of 3 Modules, made up of 3 lessons each. That's 9 power-packed lessons that will push you to the head of the pack.
If you want access to this course, sign up now. Get the knowledge and confidence it takes to be a successful podcaster. All you have to do is take the first step.
Discover the Success Secrets the Pros Use
Get a Clear Advantage, Even If You're Brand New to Podcasting
Course #2. The Crush Your Competition Podcast Launch Formula
Podcasts are more popular than ever. Each passing day brings with it, more competition. If you don't position yourself to stand out from day one, your podcast will get lost in a sea of noise.
That's why we created this course; to give our clients and customers an unfair advantage over their competition. This formula utilizes a 3-prong attack, consisting of 3 interlocking strategies.
In it, you'll discover:
- How to use online groups and forums to build hype for your upcoming podcast
- How to Pre-Launch your podcast while growing your audience and email list
- How to leverage the iTunes algorithm and bring in a flood of new listeners, right out the gate
Get This Time-Tested Formula Now
I've been perfecting this formula for over a decade now. We've used it to launch over a dozen hit podcasts. Recently, we used it for the launch of David Garfinkel's 'The Copywriters Podcast.' When we went live, it shot to the top of the charts, and still holds a top spot in his category.
The course is just a little 21 minutes long, and broken up into 4 modules.
We'll walk you through, step-by-step, how to:
- Build an audience before you've even launched your first episode
- Infiltrate and influence the communities where your listeners hang out
- Ensure that your podcast launch isn't met with the sound of crickets
- Turn new listeners into faithful subscribers
- Duplicate our EXCLUSIVE iTunes contest that pushes podcasts to the top of their categories
- And a whole lot more
You can launch your podcast, cross your fingers, and hope people show up to listen. That's what your competition is doing. Or, you can do it the right way. You can launch your podcast and Crush Your Competition.

Enroll now to access this exclusive training.
Start your podcast with the odds stacked in your favor.
You'll get lifetime access to all 4 modules in this 21-minute online training. You'll also get an audio download of all 4 modules, as well as a detailed checklist of every step you'll take, leading up to the big day. And as a bonus, we'll include exactly how we run our iTunes contests, how to verify the winners, and which kinds of prizes get the best response.
This course will put your podcast out, ahead of the pack. Enroll now, to launch your podcast with the confidence that you will Crush Your Competition.
Get Both Courses in This Special Offer for Only $29.99
That's a savings of 25% off of what you'd pay if you bought them separately. These courses offer a 1-2 power punch that will give your podcast the unfair advantage it deserves.