Less-Is-More Website Template

Less-Is-More Website Template

Sometimes Less Is More

Imagine walking into a dirty house after a long day at work.

There's a sink full of dirty dishes and a stack of mail on the dining room table. The pile of laundry next to the washing machine is out of control, and the floors need to be vacuumed. Not to mention, the counters could use a good dusting.

You look around, trying to figure out where to start. Sensory overload sets in. So you do what any sane person would do; you walk straight into the living room. Discouraged and overwhelmed, you plop down on the sofa, and grab the remote control.

The confused mind decides nothing.

That's what it can be like for website visitors. They can feel bombarded with too much information when they land on your homepage. "Read this." "Listen to this." "Visit our friends." "Click here for more info." It can all be a little too much, and so they hit that back button.

That's why we created the Less Is More website template, exclusively for BlastPod users.

With this template, there’s no YouTube video or Twitter feeds fighting for their attention. There’s no banner ad flashing in their face, distracting them from what's important. All of the focus is on your podcast, like it should be.

The homepage features nothing but your 10 most recent podcast episodes. Each episode preview includes the banner image for that episode, a snippet of the show notes, and the podcast player. That means they can listen to all 10 episodes, without having to leave the home page.

You can still make use of the multi-widget on the right hand column of posts and pages. But other than that, nothing else will be competing for your listener's attention.

When people visit your site, it's clean and welcoming. There's no clutter to get in their way of getting exactly what they came for. If they see something in your side column, it's perceived as a bonus, not as obnoxious.

What kind of a website would you rather come home to?

We designed this template based on feedback from some of our best customers. We also got input from David Garfinkel, a prominent thought leader in the direct marketing world. He knows what works when it comes to getting desired results from website visitors. And his insights went into the creation of this website template.

If you want more downloads, more time on site, and more return visits, this is the template for you. Get it now, and present your visitors whit what’s important, your podcast.

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